
Symbolism In The Awakening By Kate Chopin

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Kate Chopin: The Woman Behind the Movement The late 1800s contested traditional American ideals, and with the abrupt ending of the Civil War, came recognition of previous social injustices. Kate Chopin was subject to brutal social standards that dampened her forthright attitude to create a change for restricted women in society. Although Kate Chopin could not vote, she added an even greater value to society through her literary work. Kate Chopin was raised in a unique environment that opened her eyes to the unsatisfactory condition of women at the time, prompting her to examine and unintentionally create the Feminist movement. Although this is what Chopin is recognized for, it should be noted that while writing, she only considered herself …show more content…

The Louisiana environment is also verification of the importance Creole upbringing had on Chopin, “The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings” (Chopin 139). Throughout the novel, Chopin uses a bird motif that confirms the influence of Creole roots, while symbolizing the journey of the protagonist. Additionally, towards the end of the novel, Chopin pays tribute to her Creole roots and uses significant imagery to describe the sea, which is a metaphor for society, “The voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in abysses of solitude” (Chopin 189). The connection to her Creole roots was the driving force behind her …show more content…

Her efforts to motivate a new attitude among women make her one of the most effective and impactful authors in American social history. Chopin’s writings were condemned at the time because male reviewers were disgusted by the vision of an unwholesome woman. This ultimately ruined Chopin’s career and discouraged her from writing any more pernicious novels. Even though Chopin died on August 22, 1904 of a brain hemorrhage, her work has made a marvelous literary revival (Unger 224). Presumably, Chopin was influenced by a painful early life, powerful feminine relationships, and eye-opening social situation that contributed towards productive catharsis in The Awakening. Kate Chopin managed to concentrate her focus on attacking the social system and bringing about the feminist movement. It should be highly regarded that Kate Chopin is the founding figure of a significant twenty-first century movement that is empowering all women through Women’s Marches and gained social attention. Let it be known that the driving force behind the evolution of women is Kate Chopin, and society can appreciate her contributions to a world of less

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