Symbolism In The Matrix

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Madison Corey
Professor Hinton
16 July 2023
The Matrix Assignment
1.) In the 1999 science fiction film, The Matrix, Neo is portrayed as the messiah figure. Within the film, there are multiple scenes that symbolize Neo as a Christ-like entity. One significant reference to Neo's symbology is how, at the beginning, he is being pursued by several agents and that time has "run out" for him. This represents the point in time at which individuals began the hunt out for Jesus in preparation for his crucifixion. Additionally, how no one believed that Jesus was "The One" and questioned his motives, everyone also doubted who Neo truly was and what his intentions were. He was always regarded to as "The One" by Morpheus and his team, who trusted him implicitly. Although, the most significant symbolism in the film is how Neo died at the end of the film and resurrected to save everyone. Much like how Jesus died and resurrected to repent for everyone’s sins. There are several further allusions to Neo's role as a messiah figure, but those are the most significant ones.
2.) …show more content…

Since he thinks it would benefit him individually, Cypher betrays Morpheus and his crew. He betrayed his team to return to his previous existence because he was eager for a "normal" life and wanted to go back to the time before he understood what the Matrix was. Additionally, a sense of jealousy between Cypher and Neo is shown. Cypher was jealous that everyone gave Neo special treatment and believed he was the “chosen one”. He never believed Neo was the "One" and had questions regarding everyone's intentions. This is comparable to how Judas' lack of faith led to the betrayal since he never had complete faith that Jesus was the

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