Symbolism In The Wars By Timothy Findley

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“Never that which is shall die.” This quote appears in the beginning of The Wars quoted by Euripes. This phrase means that once something exists, it never really dies. In the novel by Timothy Findley, the quote strongly relates to the main character Robert. As the story continues on, Robert starts off with innocence and despite all the terrible things he does throughout the book, his innocence and kindness never really dies, it will always be present. In Timothy Findley’s novel, The Wars, he uses symbolism and character development to suggest; that despite how hard one may try to change themselves, they will never be happy, they should only be content to stay as themselves and not try to be like others. Initially, Robert Ross is a great protector of innocence. As the story progresses, he tries hard to become a war hero in order to gain redemption but fails in the process. By the end, Robert …show more content…

In the beginning of the novel, Robert Ross starts off as a really noble protector of innocence. “He’s old enough to go to war, he hasn’t gone.” Findley states this is his novel, as to have the readers understand Robert’s nature from the start. Robert does want to be part of the war; he does not believe in war and does not have an interest in taking the lives of others. Here, Robert’s identity is of innocence and kindness, as his character is nothing but loving and caring. Robert Ross has an older sister named Rowena;