
Symbols In The Birthmark And Young Goodman Brown By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Symbols are a critical part of writing that help in explaining difficult subjects and feelings to readers. The author of "The Birthmark" and "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne effectively uses symbols like characters, location, and objects to produce a specific mood or meaning. These symbols serve to portray deeper ideas and messages to the readers in addition to helping to improve the story. In this paper, we'll look at how the symbols in both stories affect the characters' moods and consider how important it is that the symbols are used to represent the stories' underlying ideas. We will examine the ways in which Hawthorne uses symbols to create tension, anxiety, and other negative emotions in the stories. Characters can contain symbols that more fully embody or express a topic or theme than they do itself. In the story “Young Goodman Brown” the main character Goodman Brown is a good example of symbolism in a character. The character Goodman is designed to serve as an allegory for Adam and Eve and the fall of man. Brown's curiosity and the devil's deceit get the better of him as he is drawn by the stranger with the serpent staff …show more content…

Georgiana dies because of Aylmer's effort to erase the birthmark, illustrating the sad results of forsaking one's humanity in the pursuit of perfection. As a result, the birthmark acts as a potent representation of the human predicament and the necessity to accept and love our

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