Symbols Used By Humanist Organizations

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Humanist Organizations There is a symbol that is representative of most humanist organizations throughout the world and has been adopted by Humanistic organizations; it is the symbol of a happy human Happy Man Symbol – Used By Humanist Organizations formally called happy man. The symbol was created by Dennis Barrington who won a competition arranged by the British Humanist Association in 1965 which is now used all over the world. More and more men felt a need to prove that man could live without God or the thought of a higher being and sought to organize groups of people with similar beliefs. There was a need create organizations that would cater to the secular mindset to distinguish the people who did not believe in God from the …show more content…

People have the right not to believe. People should be forced to accept the beliefs of the religious people. The humanist group though secular in nature practice using human reasoning to understand how man has evolved in the world. They do not concern themselves with an afterlife or to believe in God the promise of an afterlife. They believe that they are good without God. There is an international humanist organization called the International Humanist and Ethical Union this is a nonprofit organization. The organization was founded in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and headquartered in London, England. The largest humanist organization in the United States is the American Humanist Association (AHA), which is a founding member of the International Humanist and Ethical Union. The American Humanist Association promotes educational material on secular humanist. The organization was started in 1941 and its purpose is to provide information that would show people that they can live morally and ethically without believing in God. Its members include anyone whose view is as a nonbeliever. The American Humanist Association has added groups such as the Feminist, Black, and LGBTQ Humanist Alliance to strengthen their position. This organization is a nonprofit organization and is recognized by the United States government and files tax