Grain: Word In The English Language

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Etymology of Grain One may use a great variety of words on a daily basis, however it is rarely considered what language the words originated from, when they came into existence or why it is chosen to use the words that is used. Grain is a commonly used word in the English language. It is a seed that is often used in edible foods. The English meaning of grain is seed, corn or small particle. The oldest form of the word grain was the Proto Indo-European root word *gre-no- meaning, grain. And from Proto-Germanic *kurnam meaning, small seed. Latin granum meaning, a seed, grain or small kernel. Later, Old French as grain in the 12th century meaning; seed, grain, particle, berry, or scarlet dye. Grain came into the English language in …show more content…

In 1540, grain was introduced as a weight. And in 1560, grain was used to describe the arrangement of fibers in wood. The metaphor “cutting against the grain,” is an example of how the word grain is used to describe wood fibers. Most people eat foods that are made with grain daily. Some of these foods are bread, pasta, oatmeal, grits and breakfast …show more content…

Also from Latin granum, meaning grain. Both grain, granite and corn originated from the Proto Indo-European root word of *gre-no-. New Hampshire has been the Granite State since somewhere around 1825. Granite is often used in houses for counter tops and floor tiles, because of the beautiful colors and designs in the rock. It is also commonly used for cemetery headstones, because of its durability to abrasion and weather. Black Hills, South Dakota is the home to a very well-known monument, Mt. Rushmore. The monument can be easily recognized by its amazing artistry of four U.S. presidents faces carved out of the side of a mountain. The mountain that was chosen to carve is a granite mountain, therefore at this monument one can see the beauty of granite in its natural habitat. Another item that was named in reference to it’s grainy appearance is a pomegranate. Pomegranate came into the English language in the 13th century as, poumgarnet. From the Old French word, pome grenate and from Medieval Latin, pomun granatum, which literally means, apple with many seeds. The word pome meant, apple or fruit and grenate meant, having grains. Also from the Latin word, granum. A pomegranate is a delicious red, gelatinous type fruit and it contains many