
Sympathy For Emily Chapter Summary

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At first Anya was apprehensive about the Emily’s lingering presence over her as the sentence “First thing after school you’re going back in your hole” shows the urgency in Anya to prevent making Emily following her. But later, since Emily helps her in various situations in exchange for time and friendship in mortal realm, Anya warms up to Emily due to her extremely friendly apparition and she saw the advantage of having a ghost by her side as she says, “Having you around is the best! You’re so useful!” and this means that Anya spent more time with Emily appreciating her usefulness and special ability.

Soon Anya started to become closer to Emily and helped Anya tackle her school life. Anya then respects Emily asking what caused her death and when Emily answered she said; “That’s pretty much the saddest thing I’ve ever heard;” showing sympathy towards Emily such that she understands …show more content…

Then trying to get know each other to friends and then best friends and then hating each other

At first Anya was annoyed due to Emily’s presence. When Emily started to help Anya in her school life Anya became closer to her and respected her usefulness and past life. Later when Emily got suited to helping her an living a little of a teenage girl she considered Sean talking to her as “All my hard work” this made Anya regret if she had given Emily too much pace.
She started to move away from Emily slowly and when she realized the truth about who Emily is she thought of throwing the bone that controls Emily back into the well. Anya only decided to throw the bone firmly as Emily started to threaten her family. In the end Emily realized that she was the one who caused her death itself and now wanting to live anther girl. Anya also respected Emily as she knew that she was also like Emily as Emily says “You are like me.” and “You’re the one who needs me.” As both of them display

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