Synopsis Of The Book 'Crazy Love By Flannery O' Connor

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Crazy Love Book 3
Leslie’s thoughts about Conner are understandable when empathizing with her. From the outside looking in it is so hard to understand how she can love someone who nearly killed her. Regardless of which angle someone sees it, we can agree what Leslie did took tremendous bravery. Before reading this book I always approached a victim of domestic abuse saying “why don’t you just leave them if they’re hurting you?”. Leslie’s experience with Connor helped me see that leaving an abuser is not that simple. In some cases, ensuring the victim does not leave the abuser is part of the abuse. The mind games an abuser will use to manipulate their victims into staying with them. Leslie also described wanting to leave but not knowing where …show more content…

When couples leave each other I do not believe that the love disappears. It simply becomes less and less over time but never vanishes. Leslie’s case is no different because she had plenty of time and the love she has for Connor is part of her past. While I was reading the book I initially thought Leslie was unable to live life without Connor in it so she would return to him. As time progressed I believe Leslie truly began to understand how horrifying her situation was. However, Connor is charismatic according to Leslie so I worried she would be charmed and believe his lies. It was not until the family therapy session that Leslie vocalized to the therapists that she does not wish to return to the relationship. It was interesting to see Connor’s approach to trying to get Leslie back in his life. At some points, he was expressing how he has trauma that has not been “unpacked” and how he wants to try again and fix his mistakes. Then Leslie informs Connor about their dog Blue passing away which Connor responds in a hostile manner and called her “retard”, further pushing Leslie away from Connor. Reading about Connor’s stalking was very worrying. I was sure Connor was going to act out of anger and break his restraining order and hurt …show more content…

We should work towards understanding the root cause of why abusers abuse. Connor was abused as a child and therefore he is also a victim in a similar way to Leslie. He is a product of his upbringing and unresolved trauma. Had Connor received help at a younger age it may have prevented how he deals with anger. Connor does not understand the line between love and violence because his reality is distorted. The most supportive character I see throughout Leslie’s journey is Winnie. Winnie is constantly on Leslie’s side and always has her back and shows it with an extreme distaste for Connor. One of the most heartwarming moments was the interaction between Leslie and her mother. While their relationship has not been the best in the past it was nice to see Leslie’s mother there for her when she needed her the most. Not only being there for her as a person but rather as a mother. Leslie’s father on the other hand is someone I do not understand or agree with. I believe a father-daughter relationship is a unique one in the sense that a father should protect his daughter at all costs. So to see Leslie’s father not only show compassion for Leslie’s abuser and even fund his legal fees is the opposite of a