The New Jim Crow was a thought provoking documentary detailing the mass incarceration of black men in America. The author tells how these men, as prisoners, are treated of quasi-slaves. In fact, the prison system is now the new plantation system of slavery in America today. It was more shocking for to learn what type of low wages the prisoners earn; and how refusal to work could be grounds for disciplinary action such as isolation cells or extended time added to original sentence time. It was additional shocking to learn the there is little or no rehabilitative service or training offered to the prisoners, and with the privatization of the prison system has led to longer sentencing time. A man released from prison will have …show more content…
This country is very hypocritical in its so-called Christianity of forgiveness. A man does the time that is imposed by the judicial system but spends the resting of his nonprison life paying and repaying for a wrong done years ago. It is not surprising that the recidivism rate is so high among released prisoners. If so few employers will hire former prisoners, how are they to live; it is impossible for them to become productive citizens of the …show more content…
The author tells how these men, as prisoners, are treated of quasi-slaves. In fact, the prison system is now the new plantation system of slavery in America today. It was more shocking for to learn what type of low wages the prisoners earn; and how refusal to work could be grounds for disciplinary action such as isolation cells or extended time added to original sentence time. It was additional shocking to learn the there is little or no rehabilitative service or training offered to the prisoners, and with the privatization of the prison system has led to longer sentencing time. A man released from prison will have a very difficult time to find gainful and meaningful employment. A prisoner loses so many rights that are taken for granted by those individuals who have never have been incarcerated. The right to vote; hold most public elected office; the denial to become licensed in many skilled professions, and this is for a