Synopsis Of 'The Returners' By Gemma Malley's The Returners

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The Returners, a book by Gemma Malley, follows the troubled life of a young boy named Will Hodges. Will lost his mother at a young age, and he lives with his father, who’s a drunk. Strange people follow Will, they tell him that he is a Returner, just like them. When Will finds out about this he refuses to accept his destiny. Returners, have to keep coming back to Earth to absorb the suffering of humanity through history. Will doesn’t remember being a Returner, which makes it hard for him to handle. After Will finds out about Returners, Yan, one of Will’s friends, is being tried for murder by Will’s dad, and his friend Patrick. Although, Will doesn’t truly believe Yan committed the crime. Claire, Will’s neighbor, tries to make Will see how his