Synthesis And Analysis Of The Article 'Federalist 10'

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Federalist #10 Synthesis and Analysis The article titled "Federalist 10" by James Madison means to me that equality means everything. James Madison is trying to say in this article that you cannot dodge factions; they are going to be in every society because different people have different options, but what you can fix is making sure everyone is balanced. The balance will help one side not get all the power; consequently, the other side barely gets any. "Federalist 10" can be used in different ways besides government matters. For example, there are many times when this article could be useful. For example, I had a group project with three classmates; everyone had different approaches to completing the project. This difference in thinking led to arguments as well as disagreements. Nevertheless, we all started meeting and …show more content…

With these meetings, we were able to come up with a way to do a project everyone agreed with so we did not have factions in the group. My scenario matches the article "Federalist 10" because the article shows that everyone should feel included and powerful. When everyone felt powerful and included, they could figure out the situation instead of trying to boss everyone and hearing them out. Then in my scenario, when my group started having meetings and talking it out, everyone had a voice and felt entitled so that we could limit the number of factions. To conclude, what does "Federalist #10" mean to me? It means a lot to me, from politics to everyday activities. Without this article, there would be chaos. This article can help with simple problem solving, ensuring everyone feels important in governments, and avoiding factions because the government is only one