
Research Papers On Federalist Number 10

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Federalist Number 10. This investigation will focus on answering two questions. The first question will centre on what was Federalist Number 10. The second issue the study will try to answer is whether the assumptions claimed are right. Federalist Number 10 is perhaps the most noteworthy American contribution to the theory of Government. Federalist Number 10 was one of the Federalist essays. In all 85 papers, the Federalist Papers were the works of James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. Penned between October 1787 and August 1788, these papers sought to encourage the voters of New York to ratify the proposed Constitution. Federalist Number 10 is arguably the most famous of these papers. James Madison wrote Federalist Number 10. In …show more content…

It would be Madison's first contribution to the Federalist Papers it was published on November 29, 1787. Federalist Paper Number 10 was a 3000-word commentary on the theory of republicanism and the control of the mischief of factions. Madison was vocal against factions holding them in contempt. In Federalist Paper Number 10 Madison defined a faction as citizens coming together over a common impulse of emotion or interests. Madison cited these shared interests as a threat. In part, he considered factions to be a peril because that impulses they inspired frequently encroached upon the rights of others. Madison carrying on notes that encroachment took place out of either enmity or self-interest. Madison proposed two solutions in preventing factions. One would be to check the bastion of liberty. Madison supposed liberty though wonderful caused factionalism. One could not survive without the other. If liberty were to go so would the pitfall of factionalism. He noted that 'liberty is to faction what air is to fire'. Madison rejected this possibility. In part, Madison declined to consider of suppressing liberty because of what he presumed to be the outcomes of this. One consequence of repressing liberty he recorded would be that legislative activity would shrivel away. Madison felt this to be unacceptable citing the blood spent earning the United States political sovereignty. He wrote suppressing liberty was a 'cure …show more content…

Madison suggestion was 'giving every citizen the same opinion'. He recorded that with uniformity, factions would surely die. But once again, Madison vetoed this solution. Madison's veto stemmed from him considering it to be infeasible to bring about uniformity. Alluded to was human nature. Madison's perceived that within the fabric of human nature was a disposition to take part in factions. Madison records that the oldest and most common reason of factionalism was the disproportionate distribution of private property. Carrying on Madison wrote that those with property and those without would always have very different interests. Madison feared this. In part, he was afraid of this economic factions would come together to undermine the government and further their interests. He writes, for example, that should those without property become a faction they might begin efforts to redistribute wealth. He writes that such a faction may well become 'an interested and overbearing majority.' Madison concludes the introductory section of the article declaring that because factionalism cannot be kerbed, it must be controlled. In light of this, he spends the second half of Federalist Paper No.10 focusing on measures to contain factions. He put forward two conceivable ways suppressing

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