
Systematic Review In Criminal Justice

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Research is an integral part of creating and implementing successful criminal justice policy. Policies grounded in research are being encouraged more than ever in the field of criminal justice. Evidence-based approach to creating policy is extremely important and more than one influential study should be considered as evidence that a certain strategy is successful. Policymakers should require a wide range of information and evaluation before they attempt to create and implement policy (Petrosino & Lavenberg, 2007). Systematic reviews are significantly beneficial tools that policy makers can take advantage of when determining the best route a policy should take. Systematic reviews evaluate studies every step of the way. They help identify effective …show more content…

The full extent of the issue needs to be examined, which includes determining the severity of the issue. Data depicting the issue needs to be collected and inspected to obtain accurate information on the proposed problem. Once an issue is properly defined and put into context, policymakers may move forward with creating policy (Petrosino & Lavenberg, 2007). Evaluation studies need to be done on policies as well. Evaluation studies control for biases that can result from self-report, or interviews collected from individuals who were influenced by a policy. Self-report and interviews are important, but may skew data on a policy due to personal interpretations. Objective data on policies needs to be obtained to uncover the true results of policy. Due to this, evaluation studies are able to provide policymakers with unbiased evidence that assess policies effectiveness (Petrosino & Lavenberg, …show more content…

All studies are unique and occur in certain contexts with certain target groups and specific staff members. There are countless other factors that can influence a study, therefore only one study should not be used a justification for a policy. A single study is not generalizable and this is problematic. The same study can be conducted again with a different target group and wind up with dramatically different results. This means studies require several implementations and evaluations before they should be determined as successful and as evidence supporting a policy. The design of a program must be strong and evidence-based as well if researchers want their study to be perceived as

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