Table Service Papers

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The service will then proceed with the Thanksgiving and Communion from the UMH pages, 9-11. I have used the Word and Table Service I because it is ordinary time of the year. I wanted to focus on the simplicity and basic pattern of a UMC communion service. The presider will announce about the communion elements as wafers and juice and also gluten free wafers that will be served at the stations in front and middle of the sanctuary. In addition, the communion celebrants will serve communion to those people at their places, who are unable to receive it otherwise. The presider will announce that the table is open to all, whether they are members of the church or not, and no matter where they come from.
Taking the Bread and Cup: UMH, page 9 …show more content…

I chose this hymn because it speaks about the body and blood of Christ and is relative to the theme of Jesus as the lamb who died and took away the sins of the world as mentioned in John 1:29.
Prayer after the Communion: UMH, page 11
+ Sending Forth: UMH, page 11
+ Hymn: Christ Loves the Church UMH