Taken Initiatives: To Be Self-Directed

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To be Self-Directed
Taken Initiatives: The successful self-directed learner does not wait for someone else to say you must learn this. A Self-directed learners do not always act autonomously or independently. Rather, they chose to cultivate their networks to learn effectively and they linger this with self-reliance.
A self-directed learner takes time to learn because learning takes repetition and it takes practice. Successful self-directed learners stick to it. The successful self-directed learner embraces responsibility for doing the work of learning and doing it well. They also views problems as challenges, not obstacles. The successful self-directed learner embraces a growth mind-set and is not easily thwarted when the going gets tough. …show more content…

He/she knows how to find and manage time effectively to allow for learning. The successful self-directed learner recognizes that learning is as much about the process as the outcome and doesn’t try to do too much too fast. The self-directed learner is good at setting a plan which is part of setting the pace and ultimately reaching the destination. The successful self-directed learner recognizes this.
The self-directed learner has every tendency to be goal oriented. The proverbial bottom line: the successful self-directed learner simply likes to learn.
Identify two areas of personal strength and two areas of personal weakness in being a self-motivated and engaged student.

Personal Strength;
1. Growth mind-set is a belief that they can always learn, grow, and become better at whatever they set their sights on.
2. Mastering material: Testing yourself is a very effective strategy for mastering difficult material. For example, taking a blank sheet of paper and writing down everything you can recall about your previous subject. Then go back and review the material.
Personal weakness;
1. Resist learning new ideas and skills, viewing learning as fearful or boring rather than as mental play.
2. Doubting competence and personal value, feeling inadequate to create the desired outcomes and experiences.
5 strategies for personal growth and explain how you will implement your …show more content…

Learning new Skills; first you need to improve your confident level if at all low self-esteem level applies. Seeking information about you want to acquire, for example, going to a networking events with some current public speakers. Books and articles might be a step forward in developing new skills.
3. Self-Management; referring to one who is able to manage a personal reaction to challenges and also the responsibilities in personal and professional life is called self-management. In self-management you should be able manage a time properly and also change your self-according to the current situation and circumstances.
4. Time management is one of the most important skill for any human being who wants to be a successful in his life and want to accomplish something in future. In order to meet up with your goals and demand, you must learn how to be able to manage your time in any circumstances. This is one of my personal growth and I’m very sufficient to manage my time but I still think that I have to learn more to improve my time management skill
5. Focus; it ties all personal development together and grant you access to do whatever you want in life. Focus is choosing one’s path and deciding not to pay attention to any conflicts whatsoever. Focusing on one thing works best than more. A mind that is focused knows the single best he or she can take right

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