Taking A Closer Look At Theseus In Homer's Odyssey

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The south and front side of the treasury shows the adventures of Theseus. Theseus was a Greek hero. He founded Athens. The Athenians thought of Theseus as a "great reformer". Theseus also established a cult of "Aphrodite Pandemos", which means Aphrodite of all the People. In mythology, Theseus has to go through six labors, and kill mythological monsters. The Athenians used these labors to represent the political unification of Attica under Athens. On the Treasury of the Athenians, the metopes on the south side tell the adventures of Theseus from left to right in this order: "Theseus and Athena, Theseus and Sinis, Theseus and the Crommyonian sow, Theseus and Sciron, Theseus and the Bull of Marathon, and Theseus and the Captive Amazon." Theseus' adventures were placed on the south side because it was the Sacred Way. …show more content…

Heracles was the son of Zeus and Alcmene. He is considered one of the greatest Greek heroes. He was a champion of the Olympian order against mythological monsters. In Rome and modern times, he is known as Hercules. Like Theseus, Heracles had to carry out labors. This is because he killed his own children due to Hera driving him mad. In order to pay penance for his actions, he had to carry out ten labors, if he succeeded he would be forgiven and granted immortality. The order of the stories of Heracles on the Treasury of the Athenians are in this order from left to right: "Heracles and the Lion, Heracles and the Hind, Heracles and the Centaur, Heracles and Cycnus, Heracles and Orthrus, Geryon, and cows of