Taking Learning To Task Study Guide

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Taking Learning to Task A learning take is an open question put to learners who have all the resources they need to respond. We set a learning task to engage learners in the active learning of substantive, new material. We respect their life experience and their unique context and offer the task as an open question, inviting their reflective response. Some learning tasks take place in the mind (cognitive), some in the heart (affective), and some in the muscles (psychomotor), (Vella, p8).
Behaviorists acknowledged the existence of thinking, simply identified it as a behavior. Cognitivists argued that the way people think influence their behavior and cannot be a conduct in and of itself. Cognitivists later maintain that thinking is thus essential …show more content…

Is the first part of the cognitive learning. Learning takes place when the student pays attention towards the teacher. Parents process knowledge informally in the home while teachers process knowledge formally in school. Attentiveness and achievement are closely related to attention. Attention is an energetic process which demand numerous stimuli from outside.
Chapter 2, Comparing Teaching Tasks and Learning: Adult learners are directing their own plan. (teacher directed vs. self- directed): As a person matures his self- concept moves from one of being a dependent personality toward one of being a self-directed human being. Readiness to learn: Adults are focused and ready in a highly pragmatic way. Adults want to learn those things that will have a direct impact on themselves, their family, and/or work.
The traditional presentation assumes that the leaners are willing to be passive. It presumes that they bring little to the learning event. This presentation also supposes that learning takes place by imparting information. It is a based on a theory of knowledge that sees it as shared data. It does not engage the learner at the level of critical thought and critical feeling (Vella,