Taking Risks In Thomas Ponce's The Day I Saved A Life

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Taking a risk means that you are stepping out of your comfort zone, trying something new, and doing something you might be unsure about .When we take risks we are broadening our knowledge and understanding ourselves better. Risks help us learn new things and grow as people. People who take risks are more sure of themselves, they have a better understanding of the world around them. The risks will change you in some way and will impact your life usually for the better. Taking risks helps us use our skills to weigh the benefits and the consequences. Allowing us to become better prepared for the real world and for whatever comes in our way.

Imagine being all alone, the darkness of the night enveloping you, with only a small flashlight to guide …show more content…

The fisherman gets closer, his sharp knife glinting. The shark eyes plead for release. A boy stands conflicted, should he help? In the next text, “The Day I Saved A Life” by Thomas Ponce, the author writes about a time when he stood up to a fisherman that was hoping to make a large sum of money by killing a shark. As an environmental advocate, Thomas convinces him to free the shark he caught. Thomas risks himself by going up to a fisherman with a knife. He reasons with him and tries his best to convince the fisherman to let the shark go. Thomas took this risk because he saw the helpless shark and wanted to help it. He felt that the shark didn’t deserve to die and be thrown into the ocean. He advocated and eventually saved the shark’s life. For example, the text states, “The fisherman then started sharpening his very large knife, readying himself to gut the shark right then and there. The shark flapped and shook, grasping to hold onto life. It was horrible to see. I knew I had to do something, so I approached the fisherman and asked him to set the shark free.” This quote shows us the shark being held captive and how it needed to be saved. Seeing the shark in such a pitiful state pushed Thomas to help it. As a result, this event would affect his whole life. To add on, the text also states,, “I immediately walked over, picked up the shark and placed him back into the water, and told him to live free. I swear the shark looked at me with gratitude. He was alive because I spoke up for him and he knew it. I saw the understanding in his eyes and knew there was much more to sharks than what I had been led to believe. That day changed me forever and now I fight for sharks’ rights.” Analyzing this quote shows the shark was relieved that he saved him. It shows the bond and gratitude between the shark and Thomas. I think this quote really accentuates the theme of that one event changing Thomas’s life. It shows how seeing what was happening crashed