Tanglewood Case Study Answers

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The personality test is designed to measure how hard working and sociable an applicant is. Tanglewood is expecting store associates to possess a personality related to an extrovert when it comes to dealing with customers, as well as hard working to ensure the happiness of the customers as well. Table 3.2 shows a moderate correlation between the extroverted trait and job performance with a lower correlation between conscientiousness and job performance. The assessment shows to have issues as it fails to take into account the moods and situational demands of an applicant. Recommendations. As Tanglewood is seeking new predictors of quality employment, the new proposed methods implored by the ten stores in the Seattle area, the results are determined to place the most …show more content…

I propose the Marshfield Customer Service Biodata Questionnaire and the personality exam. The biodata exam proved relatively high correlation with citizenship, performance, and promotion potential. The questionnaire showed the pairing of life experiences and job performance were related. The biodata test can help managers base their employment strategies on individual candidates’ experiences and assist in determining previous experiences which can serve as a tool to analyze candidates’ communication abilities. The personality test allows managers to choose candidates based on how well they scored in extraverted and conscientious portions. The personality test showed a positive correlation with citizenship, performance, and promotional potential. Tanglewood’s interest is seeking to develop an internal culture, having employees collaborate, and promote a positive working environment which can be found through results of a personality test. The predictors assist managers in analyzing a potential employee’s characteristics that may not be derived from a

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