Tara King Selling Of The Sky Sparknotes

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Teachings of the Tree People, the work of Bruce Miller documents Skokomish culture and the wider effect of indigenous knowledge slowly vanishing as the elders with knowledge passed down from previous generations have begun to die off. It is explained how the three people are the Skokomish ancestors, Bruce Miller’s ancestors. The documentary makes its way through the four seasons from spring to winter following Bruce through the community of friends and family he has made over the years and it slowly becomes apparent that not only is this a documentary about a Skokomish tribe elder sharing his knowledge, but these moments of his life, of friends and family, are memories, the film is in his memory. In this essay I will connect topics of displacement …show more content…

These connections the agent viewed as a threat to settlers and believed the best way to stop this was to split up indigenous communities and put families on separate farms to manage. In the documentary there is a gathering, much like that of the ones described in Selling of the Sky, the first food feast Bruce had brought forth, history and life so inherent to the land and to the first people. Later in Selling off the Sky, the author explains how tribal land became allotments and how the tribal members did not understand this concept leaving land allotments to never be claimed by the tribe members already living on the land (King 1999). In the documentary, when Bruce and his nephew are gathering cedar bark in Muckleshoot gathering territory, land has once again been divided and assigned to individuals in a way it wasn’t originally …show more content…

Michael Pavel, Gerald B. Miller, and Mary J. Pavel, goes over the cultural importance of cedar to the Skokomish people. In the article, it is talked about how the cedar log houses the Skokomish people lived in were either destroyed or decayed after the Skokomish people were forced to assimilate with the greater population of the United States (Pavel et al. 1993). The 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Secondary' of the 'Se The same cedar Bruce uses to make mats, mats he explains where once abound have now become a rarity, so much so he’s been asked to make mats for the enjoyment of the general public. The cedar bark is harvested in long strips and in this part of the documentary the point of not teaching everyone is the same thing is brought up, with the response being that they will need each other. In the video 3000-year-old solutions to modern problems | Lyla June | TEDxKC, Lyla June speaks about how European explorers mistook indigenous land management for untouched wilderness (TEDx