Tax Break Essay

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In the year 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had an interview with two reporters from two reputable news sources. Mark Kennedy, from the Ottawa Citizen and John Ivison from the National Post. During this interview, the two brought up key points from the Prime Minister’s political platform and his experiences during the election, such as the votes he has lost, building his political cabinet and the change he is willing to bring to the citizens living in Canada. One of the changes he is willing to put forth is the $3 billion tax break for the middle class. A tax break reduces the amount of taxes society must pay towards government revenue. Many middle-class families fear the future for their children, they hope to invest enough in their children’s …show more content…

“And making sure the middle class has a little more money in their pockets to invest, to save, to grow the economy is good for everyone.” (Kennedy 2015) To have a stable and effective economy the government must have a strong middle class. The middle-class assists in the growth of the economy because of its ability to increase production when it comes to the products they buy and rely on. In Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Schumpeter states “Historically, the consumers’ desire for shoes may, at least in part, have been shaped by the action of producers offering attractive footgear and campaigning for it;” (2015) In Schumpeter’s example, he uses shoes to help explain the idea of consumerism. Consumers look towards the advertisement and the quality brought upon certain products. This allows the economy to grow because the consumers are buying the products that manufacturers and producers are creating using the power of advertisement which in turn helps create more jobs. Jobs are created since the consumers (middle class) have enough money to buy certain products which speeds production as well as creates more jobs due to the speedy production. With the help of Trudeau’s $3 billion tax break, the middle-class families will be able to gain more money when it comes to buying …show more content…

It will also abolish the anxieties that the middle class faces when it comes to their finances. Equality helps when it comes to the growth of the economy, but in certain cases when the rich can either fraud there way from paying taxes or pay less than what the middle class would pay, this would cause problems from within society. This will, in turn, create a Marxists concept known as class war, which is the conflict and struggle between societal classes. To abolish this concept a tax break must be put in place to assist the middle class as well as make the upper class pay more. “You look at people who are owners of industry who are extremely successful, the generosity they show in philanthropic endeavors, that sense that they have that they could live anywhere in the world, many of them.” (Kennedy 2015) Thankfully, when it comes to Trudeau’s situation many upper-class citizens are more than happy to pay more than what they were paying for before. This will assist the middle class because they will not have to pay as much as they were before to help the economy. “And if the rich do what they can for the poor, even within reasonable limits of self-sacrifice, then they will give away rather a lot of their money, and community will indeed obtain, but inequality will be reduced.” (Cohen 2009) As