Taylor Jackson Newspaper Report

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his father kills her, Globe’s mother said to him, "My son, my precious little Globe, you are the whole world to me." in a jealous rage Taylor Jackson murders his wife in front of their eight-year-old son. Since then Globe has had many mothers, some for a week, some lasting a few days longer. Of course he still can visit them. They are all buried in the west pasture. Taylor has a long history of killing. W hen he is twelve a neighbor Homer Chambers murders Taylor’s father. Examining the place where his father died Taylor discovers a valuable coin. A 1921-D Mercury dime Homer always carries with him. In retaliation for his father’s death he waylays and murders homer’s six year old daughter Fanny. He leaves the coin at the dead girl’s side …show more content…

Gladly she acompsties him visiting shut-ins. Never guessing his motivate for stopping on the roadside for a picnic he asks Grace to marry him. Stunned, she nearly chokes on a piece of chicken. She recovers and gives him an ecstatic yes. After the couple returns from their short honeymoon, the head of the deacon board suddenly dies. The rest of the board resigns. A revived spirit enters the church. One afternoon while on visitation Jeremiah stumbles on the Jackson farm. Taylor has just finished burying his latest victim. The killer assumes the preacher is spying on him. He orders him off his land. Suspicious he follows Jeremiah and shoots him in the back. Gravely wounded, Jeremiah only makes it home due to his horse’s instinct. Helping her husband into the house Grace rides through a storm to a neighboring farm for help. Once he recovers, Jeremiah searches for Globe, knowing he must find him before the law does. Globe is captured Jeremiah has a fist fight with the sheriff to free the child. Stopping the fight judge Roy Morris tells Globe his name is actually Charles Globe Scofield.He also informs the boy that Taylor is not his father. The judge releases him into the custody of Grace and Jeremiah. That night Taylor escapes from jail from jail killing two deputies. Learning of Taylor’s escape Globe now Charles runs away to prevent Taylor from murdering the preacher and his wife. Taylor sets a trap for the boy. In the gun fight Taylor is …show more content…

Determed to kill the last monster himself he runs into the night. At the farm he set the barn chicken coop woodshed and house on fire. He sets down in the flaming kitchen prepared to die. Jeremiah and Grace are awakened by Rusty’s frantic barking. Believing the boy will return to the farm Jeremiah rides the way. Alerted by the glow in the sky he arrives to find the every building ablaze and Charles in the flaming house waiting to die. Jeremiah breaks down the door. In the burning kitchen he falls against the table injuring his hands. Yet is able to rescue the