Teacher Shadowing Request

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Teacher Shadowing Request

Name: ______________________________________

Grade: Sophomore Junior Senior

To qualify for Teacher Shadowing FTA members must be in good standing with the Future Teachers of America club; meeting all membership requirements.

On a separate sheet of paper write a well-thought-out short essay (at least 2 paragraphs/at least 5 sentences per paragraph) explaining the following:

o why do you want to teach? o what do you hope to learn from your experience shadowing a teacher?

Make sure your name is on your essay. You may turn your essay in to Mr. Tolliver (G-3) or Mrs. Tolliver (OA-5). Essays are due no later than Friday, September 30th.

I would like to shadow __________________________________. …show more content…

My third choice would be __________________________________.

Mr. and Mrs. Tolliver will contact the teacher’s of your choice to discuss shadowing. For now, just tell us who you would like. There is no guarantee that you will get to shadow any of your choices; however, we will try very hard to match every student up with their choice.