Techniques Used During The Scientific Revolution

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Technology is one of the fastest growing industries in the world currently. With many different barriers being broken each day, multiple inventions are being left behind in history never to be spoken about. The Scientific Revolution took place between 1600 and 1700. During these years, many new intentions were being created, similar to today. However, these creations were a large part for the development of modern day technology and in other use cases long after their creation. This extended use is due to their ease of use, simplicity, and their practical capabilities. The most influential devices to originate from the Scientific Revolution were the logarithms, Napier’s Bones, the pascaline, and Leibniz wheel, as these calculating devices provided …show more content…

This is because calculators were not a thing yet. Logarithms helped to aid the calculations of astronomers. These people had to carry compute very large numbers. This simplifying device was welcomed with joy by them; as it made their works easier and faster. This put much more importance on simplicity to ensure there is minimal error when doing calculations. To multiply, divide, and find roots with numbers having a larger value than the amount a person can count on their fingers, it would mean a lot of work for that person. Logarithms reduced the amount of effort needed to do these calculations. Calculators are a common thing for all people to have now; but this does not totally erase the need for logarithms. Most calculators even have a designated logarithm button on them. The logarithm is important because it makes working with very small or large numbers faster and …show more content…

Oughtred was a cleric who taught math in England during the 1600s. He based his invention off of the logarithms that John Napier's discovered. The slide rule is a powerful computing device that is operated by hand. It is often no longer than a simple ruler that is marked with numbers, with a different letter to represent the rows from A to D. The middle part of the tool slides in an out to show the relationships between numbers. The slide rule adds and subtracts lengths to determine a distance; slide rules can also be used for multiplication and division as well as find square roots, and doing other calculations. The tool was extremely simple to use. To multiply, begin by moving the middle sliding section so the number three on the lower part of the tool is aligned with the number one on the top. Read along the top of the scale until you find the number you want to multiply three by; if multiplying by two, find the two. The two should align with the answer, which would be six. The divide, simply perform the same steps for multiplication, but in reverse. Finding the square roots of numbers was even simpler. The A and B scales are the squared of the D and C scales on the slide rule. To find the square root, read the scale in reverse. The slide rule a was important tool in the lives of engineers, technicians and scientists the slide rule was a very important part of their