William Shakespeare Research Paper

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A huge scientific revolution took place during Shakespeare's lifetime. Many astrologers, scientists, and philosophers were making major advances in the way of thinking. Religion was becoming less and less the determination of everything in the natural world. Free thinking was coming about and changing everything. Many technological and scientific advances took place in Shakespeare’s time and he was aware of them. With the scientific revolution, many inventions came about. One major invention that came about was the pocket watch. The pocket watch was invented in 1510. Although the clock had been around for a long time, the pocket watch was just invented (“Science in Shakespeare’s Time”). This allowed for people to be able to know the time whenever …show more content…

We know today what a supernova is, but in the 16th century it was quite the event. Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. Most of his works were written between 1589 to 1613. A supernova lit up the sky and was observed in recorded in England (Gambino). This had to cause questions to be asked and people trying to find answers. Shakespeare was most likely looking for answers. Many fellow englishmen to Shakespeare made great discoveries. Thomas Digges proposed the idea of the universe expanding infinitely which no other astronomer had done before (Gambino). Due to the fact that Shakespeare and Diggs were close in location, one would assume some of his ideas would spread throughout the country. Considering Thomas Digges’s discoveries, Shakespeare could have referenced them in his famous play of “Hamlet”. In the play Hamlet, Hamlet envisions himself as “the king of infinite space”(Falk). This alludes to a new universe described by his fellow countrymen Thomas Digges. Shakespeare shows hints and signs in his plays that he was aware of the new discoveries coming …show more content…

Other places across the world sparked the beginning of revolution. Alexandria and Greece were the center of learning pre-scientific revolution (Taylor). Many easterly countries started thinking outside of the norm before others and these ideas slowly spread west. Once these ideas spread to England the queen and many others took notice. Queen Elizabeth appointed John Dee to revamp the calendar to include religion (Taylor). The calendar was not correct but it did show that there was a new thinking coming about and something bigger was coming. One of the biggest names of the Scientific Revolution, Francis Bacon was also an englishmen. Francis Bacon said that if you acquire all the available data from a certain problem, you can formulate a law. He said this is man’s way of reclaiming knowledge and power over nature given to them by God (Taylor). Francis Bacon was influenced by many ideas and that allowed him to become one of the most profound scientist of his time. Ideas from all over the world helped start the revolution in England and close to