
William Shakespeare Research Paper

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The English language, composed of mere symbols and sounds, has somehow managed to change the world. Language appears so simple to many, yet it complexity is the very thing that allows it to express meaning and emotion. None ever used the English as eloquently as William Shakespeare, the great English playwright and poet. A master wordsmith, Shakespeare managed to convey fear, love, and humor all through the use of words. His works stand among the greatest pieces of art, and scholars continually analyze and explore the depths of his writing. Shakespeare has influenced society by transforming the English language, impacting modern theater, and inspiring many people.

Shakespeare transformed the English language of his time by creating new words and phrases. During Shakespeare's life, the English language constantly absorbed new words, making it very difficult for writers to express ideas. However, Shakespeare overcame this obstacle by creating his own words and using them in his plays and poems. Shakespeare often borrowed words from other languages and modified them, a technique referred to as neologizing. Scholars estimate that Shakespeare added over 1700 new words to the …show more content…

Before Shakespeare's time, only the wealthy and highly educated went to plays and shows. Shakespeare fundamentally changed the scope and message of theater by masterfully using themes and messages that appealed to more common people. He also changed theater by incorporating new character and plot styles into his plays. Shakespeare pioneered the idea of the plot depending on the character, a concept used extensively in modern theater. He also introduced emotional themes such as humanism and romance into his plays, adding a whole new dimension to the theater experience. Shakespeare's influence on theater continues today, as many elements of modern drama can trace their roots back to concepts invented by

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