How Did The French Revolution Influence The Glorious Revolution

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The Glorious, American, and French revolution all have many common interests. They were all influenced by the enlightenment. The enlightenment was a time where philosophers all around would spread ideas and thoughts on how the government should be ran and who should be in charge. Many took those ideas and put them into action causing civil wars in countries as well as revolutions. A revolution is “a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system”. The Enlightenment has influenced the Glorious, American, and French Revolution in various ways leading some to a great victory as well as some to a great fall. The Glorious revolution took place in England during 1688. This begun due to powerful philosophers. John Locke for example was a very big impact on the Glorious Revolution. He gave the people the idea of Life, Liberty, and Property. Locke explained to the people of England that everyone was born free and …show more content…

According to Locke, The purpose of the government is to protect these rights. If a government fails to do so, citizens have the right to overthrow it. Locke’s idea of Life Liberty, and Property Influenced the American bill of rights as well. The bill of rights was created to protect the citizens human rights. The bill of rights protects Locke’s idea of “Liberty” in article 2 which states, “ That the pretended power of dispensing with the laws or the execution of law by regal authority as it hath been assumed and exercised of late, is illegal.” This law passed by parliament in 1869, and declared the liberties and rights of people. The idea of property is protected in the Bill Of Rights article 12 which states “That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void.” which means the property