While people participate in various methods of everyday reading and writing, there are extensive benefits to be gained from extending the experience to apply these abilities to literature. In the beginning chapter of Literature: A Portable Anthology, third edition the benefits of reading, analyzing, and writing about literature is explored, while also explaining literature class expectations, at a college or university level. Reading literature expands horizons by exposing readers to various perspectives, locations, and interactions, which molds opinions, attitudes, and behaviors. Taking this a step further to include analysis of the reading serves to train the brain to contemplate information and expand attention spans. Finally, writing about
Literature began looking back at the works from the Roman and Greek era. Because religion and the church was crumbling and humanism and self-thought was rising, literature began to take a new direction. Instead of writing what the church approved, people began writing about whatever their minds thought up. We can thank the Renaissance period and all its transformations for writers such as William Shakespeare, whom brought us playwrights and poetry that we still love today. Art was also changed during this time.
Technology shapes an everyday society. It all falls under a family tree. Cars were invented, then roads, road laws, licensing, etc. It’s like technology has an effect on what is yet to come.
Lunsford, she discusses the fact that over the years writing has changed dramatically. There is the idea of “new literacies” which are “more participatory, collaborative, and distributed” (Lunsford 49). Literacy is no longer just about the author; rather there are many different aspects about society as a whole go into literacy today. Millennials are being seen as having a “cyberspatial-postindustrial- mindset” (Lunsford 49). This mindset is defined as having a “focus on collectives as the unit of production, competence, intelligence” (Lunsford 49).
Literature has been around for many ages. There are many different types of literature fro. many different times. The way people write has changed throughout the years. American literature is commonly talk about because it is well liked, although sometimes it can be hard to understand if you are currently a student.
The invention of the Internet is no different. Think about the amount of time that could be spent in a library, looking through book after book for a single, possibly not too important, piece of information. Due to the Internet, this will likely not be a scene that humanity will endure any further. Although, this is not the topic in question. The question is whether or not this source has affected our ability to focus on literature.
In “Should Everybody Write?” by Dennis Baron —a professor of English and linguistics at the University of Illinois— argues that a lot more people are writing due to technological advancement. Earlier technology such as the pen, typewriter, and the printing press have expanded who gets to write. Today, the computer and the internet allows anyone to be a writer as Baron simply states “thanks to the computer and the internet, anyone can be a writer: all you need is a laptop, a Wi-Fi card, and a place to sit at Starbucks” (840). People can “bypass the usual quality controls set by reviewers, editors and publishers” (841). While nowadays anyone can publish their writing without trouble it wasn’t always that way.
Baron also describes many ways technology has enhanced the work of writers. Moreover he says, “Thanks to the computer and the internet, anyone can be a writer” (840). Baron contends that writers today have everything needed to write at their fingertips. According to Baron, while there are many positive changes for writers, also there were many obstacles to overcome.
Carr cites multiple experts, and views from the opposing side in his argument. This balances the article and brings fairness to his bias. Carr references multiple respected historical figures, and their opinions of technology. Carr utilizes Plato’s Phaedrus, where Socrates “bemoaned the development of writing” (326). Socrates was fearful of the future that mass writing may hold, as people came to rely on writing instead of carrying knowledge in their minds.
Jordin Scott 3/1/23 Pd. 8 Enduring Issues Essay The impact of new technology has affected society throughout our history and continues to help and hurt mankind. The impact of new technology can be defined as modern innovations used to make certain tasks easier for people, and how they affect humans around the world .
These people sound pretty credible so their opinions would most likely have more of an affect on someone than those of an 18 year old beginning college. Carr quotes Friedrich Nietzsche, a man whose vision was failing bought a typewriter because he found that his writings and ideas being put to screen were just failing. He decided to go out and purchase a typewriter so that the ideas could pour out of him and straight to the paper, which changed the way he wrote, his “tight prose had become even tighter, more telegraphic”. Technology is a major improvement and successful help to us all, but Carr believes it has an underlying side effect almost. It’s unnoticeable to the human mind, we just adapt to the slow mental changes without being aware of it at
A future where written literature no longer plays a role in modern society. Witnessing the changes
Most of these advancements were made in the twenty years leading up to the novels present time. Advances in technology and science have completely transformed everyday life. Throughout the novel, there are many examples of changes made to
We rely more on technology for pretty much everything. The new form of writing is now typing on keyboards and reviewing everything online. So, not everyone will need to write everything down, anymore. Most people 's jobs depend entirely on technology, such as a desk receptionist, as most of the time they will be on computers, typing documents and so forth. It 's much faster doing it this way as in
Imagine a world where communication is difficult, there is not a lot of entertainment, and places are hard to get to. This actually was the world in the 1900s-1910s. Technology has come a long way since the early 1900s. Our world has become more advanced and fast paced due to the advances of technology. Over the last 100 years, technology is by far the biggest change in our culture.