Notorious Rbg Summary

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Notorious RBG by Irin Carmon and Shana Knizhnik, is about the Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This book takes one into the story of RGB, in a creative way. Written with both history and pop culture in mind, this novel is both a factual story of the famous RBG, while shown in a fun a creative way to relate to current pop culture. History can be interpreted in many different ways, and an author has the power to dictate how a story is seen. Different generations, look at history in different ways, based on the way that that history is written down. When it comes to the millennials of this time, they work very different from the older generations. This is based upon how we have grown up in a digital, technological culture. This has ultimately altered the way in which we learn. We have become a very impatient generation based on the technology that we have been raised with. When it comes to an author or a novel in this day in age, to attract the attention of millennials, these stories need to be written in …show more content…

Lunsford, she discusses the fact that over the years writing has changed dramatically. There is the idea of “new literacies” which are “more participatory, collaborative, and distributed” (Lunsford 49). Literacy is no longer just about the author; rather there are many different aspects about society as a whole go into literacy today. Millennials are being seen as having a “cyberspatial-postindustrial- mindset” (Lunsford 49). This mindset is defined as having a “focus on collectives as the unit of production, competence, intelligence” (Lunsford 49). Students in today’s day and age are growing as being more fluent in digital as well as print cultures. New Literacies is a change in writing, and have forced individuals to rethink “what we mean by literature” (Lunsford 52). Students have gained a new way of reading, on in which is more tailored to the idea of new