Technology In Brave New World

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The book, Brave New World, was written by Aldous Huxley. Aldous Huxley makes his own society through this book, and the book shows how they use technology to control the society, and how all of the characters in the book don’t accept the truth about their situations. Huxley’s society is one of a kind with no difficulty or struggles, just how he intended it to be. The fathers and mothers of the children were not known because the genetic engineering created each individual child in a test tube, exactly the way they should be using chemical substances. The people using the genetic engineering create the children with specific qualities so that they can place them in certain job positions when they get older by giving them quick thinking skills, and strength. This book, Brave New World, is scary close to how our world is today and would be devastating for it to all come true. …show more content…

Technology was also a big part with movies in Brave New World. The “feelies” or movies they watched helped them feel and understand the things that were happening to them. It was a way to make them feel good or enjoy themselves. Technology is a huge part in today’s world and without it, most people would not survive. With technology improving and increasing, people can become addicted just as the people in Brave New World with “feelies.” People nowadays in today’s world are addicted to watching every episode on tv, and always having a phone in our hand so that we can check out the newest update or instagram post. Our society, just as Brave New Worlds, is addicted to the newest technology and always being