Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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Technology is known as a free world, a place where thoughts can be heard without repercussions. However, School is not a free world. I have to think about what I say. What I say can hurt and offend another. So, I think sometimes and not when I don't think I hurt Others. Technology is a place where I can do what I want when I want. I can get help on math. I can have fun at home with my friends playing video games. However, I do take advantage of technology. I don't look at my notes. I will look it up. I use technology the same way that the people on Fahrenheit 451 use it.
In my 7th period English we had to prepare for a fireman discussion, while I did the prep the same day I did the discussion I decided to Research technology. In the article …show more content…

The first case I will talk about where this is proven was when Montag was chased out of the city. Bradbuery shows this by stating “”Montag, don't move!” Said a voice from the sky. The camera fell back to the victim.” (164)This proves that the “chase” was faked. This ties into “In Social Media We Trust'' by the article talking about false information. No one knew who Montag was because no one went outside, so the government knew that they could kill a random pedestrian and falsely advertise the death of Guy Montag. The next way that technology is demonstrated in Fahrenheit 451 is the TV room, The TV room has taken over lifes like Mildred and others like her, so this ties into human connection as well. They get lost on the TV so it is their only friend. This proves that technology is taking over people's lives in a bad way. Montag is different; he chooses to interact with the environment and his peers that are different like him. One way this happens to me in my life is when I play video games, time flies and I lose interaction with other people, I lose the touch of community. However, Bradbury also uses Education as a symbol perfectly. He does this with the conversation of Beatty and Montag, They talk about Education and how laid back it is. Bradbury states “School is shortened, discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories, languages dropped, English and spelling gradually, gradually …show more content…

However, people like Bryan Robison say that misinformation can be a good thing. He states “Not all news is fake, and even if a story turns out to be fake news, there’s value in it, according to a study in the journal Psychological Science. Thinking back on a time you encountered false information or “fake news” may prime your brain to better recall truthful memories. People who receive reminders of past misinformation may form new factual memories with greater fidelity.” The gist of what he is saying is that reading misinformation can make the actual information stick better in one's head. However this is not the way I was thinking that misinformation can be good, in the case of Montag and the city, when Montag was “killed” the people of the city felt safe and could go back to their normal lives. Robinson has me thinking if I saw a murder get killed on TV then later find out it didn't happen I would be scared out of my mind, Wouldn't