Technology In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Beadbury

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Technology has a bad affected on society. Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Beadbury a, nonfiction book . The novel is about what Ray Beadbury thought the future was going to like. This eassay is about how technology affected individuals, family, and society. As you keep reading you will learn how technology affected all three of those things. Technology affected Montag by Mildred always using it. Mildred is Montags wife and take sleeping pills and wears earbuds all the time. “ And in her ear was seashells” (pg.10) Montag walks in the room and see Mildred laying in the bed listening to music with earbud. Montag feels sad because his wife doesn’t talk to him.People who use technology too much don’t think about how other people feel. Mildred doesn’t understand