
Technology In Fahrenheit 451, By Ray Bradbury

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June 29, 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the Apple Iphone to the world, little did we know people would spend more time on this technology rather than spending time with their families. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury shows how technology can be very detrimental to the society. People did not really have their own thoughts and could barely hold a conversation. Technology has taken a toll on people wanting to go and get outside of their house. Modern day society's use of technology has some very negative effects.
The people of Bradbury's technology-dependent society have a hard time keeping actual relationships with one another, nowadays, people can not even walk through the street without looking up from their phones because they are so scared of actual human interaction. A recent study done by CNN shows that teens spend nearly nine hours a day on their phones. Kids in the …show more content…

A study shows that the average smartphone user checks his or her phone 35 times a day if not more. This study shows how people are really obsessed with these belongings. Another part of this study states that 51 percent of teens admit that they have seen their parents check their smartphones while driving. This statistic is kind of frightening because that many people are putting not only their own lives at risk but every other person on the roads risk, all for this obsession of not being able to look at their phone for a short period of time. Mildred is so consumed to being in front of screens, she considers these three TV walls as her family. “...It’ll be even more fun when we get the fourth wall installed. How long you figure before we save up and get the fourth wall torn out and a fourth wall-TV put in? It’s only two thousand dollars” (Bradbury 18). In this quote it shows how unconnected Mildred is from her own husband and how her obsession over her TV’s gets put over loved

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