Technology In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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In the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. The advanced technology has a severe destruction of the society. And it has a suspension of the interaction of any of the people living in this corrupt society. Here is where we figure out that in the novel tech is the main reason why this society is falling apart slowly and destroying the people who live in it. In the society in F451. Everyone in this society all take books for granted. And don't respect them with all the knowledge they fill people with. And the suspense in this book is unreal. And how tech in this society makes everyone act differently and not themselves. Because it seems everyone is programed to all act the same and not actually have a life and explore around they are all cooped …show more content…

Like mildred to only have one relationship with soap operas. They watch on them. By only having a relationship with the TV shows people in the society of F451. Text evidence Pg: 17, “They mailed me my part this morning. They write a script with one missing part. The homemaker, that’s me is the missing part.” this is explaining that the missing part of the TV show is mailed to the owner of the house and they are given the next part so it pretty much makes them feel apart of the show giving them a sort of a relationship between the person and the show. Text evidence Pg:46, “Will you turn the parlor off. That my family.” Instead of interacting with the real people around them most people in this society are only interacting with each others on their screens on their walls and it's just an unsettling feeling how these people act. Text evidence Pg: 6, Have you ever watched the jets cars racing on the boulevards down that way, I sometimes think the drivers don’t know what grass is, or flowers, because they never see them slowly. He is referring that people don't like to enjoy life people are always too fast around things and they don't actually see how nice life is if you just drive or take life

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