Technology In Human's Society By Andrew Mcafee

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Technology in Human’s Society
This essay starts with a question asked by Andrew McAfee, “what have been the most important developments in human history?” Different people come up with different answers. According to Andrew, the most important development is neither “the founding of world’s major religion, which have changed the civilization and have changed and influenced how countless people are living their lives,” or “empire” which “modifies them and changes people’s lives,” or even Renaissance that “there was a deep flourishing of art and science.” Instead, he states that the most important development in human history, resulting from his collecting and analyzing data, is the Industrial Revolutions. The first Industrial Revolution led the society to the time of stream engine, which used machines to replace manual labor in the factory. The Second Industrial Revolution, also called the Technological Revolution, converted the major energy use of stream to electricity. This enables worldwide tools, such as telephones and railroad network, which resulted …show more content…

Now, people are getting through the Third Industrial Revolution, which is also called Digital Revolution or Informational Revolution. This is the period when most of the mechanical information is transformed into digital information. Like one of the factors in three technology invariants, this is called digital representation. This means that technology allows information that was previous stored on an “artifact” to store digitally. In addition, once it is stored digitally, it can be mined, programmed, or transported easily. In short, information technology can be considered as one of the most significant developments in human history. It changes human’s life style, the way people think, and many other