Most Important Inventions Of The 19th Century

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The 19th century was a time of growth and development for the entire world. According to the Gregorian calendar the 19th century was from 1801 to 1900 (2). The 19th century is also known as the Victorian Era to most of the world because of British imperialism. It was also the industrial revolution for the world. Many important technological advances were made especially in science and mathematics. This was a key time in history to lay the foundations for the future, mainly in technology.
This time in history truly began when multiple empires fell and the British Empire rose from the ashes. The 19th century is generally marked by the collapse of the Spanish and Holy Roman Empire. The Spanish Empire was large and had many resources but it was hard to exploit them. Spain was too far away from the colonies it controlled and was having trouble maintaining control over them. Much like what happened to Britain when the British Empire finally fell apart. The Holy Roman Empire survived for over 1000 years until Napoleon and the French …show more content…

Many of these advances set important groundwork for the technological advances of the 20th century. The 19th century was known, from the technology perspective, as the age of machine tools. Machine tools are machines that make parts for other machines. Interchangeable parts had just become the great big idea and now assembly lines were joining the army of ideas to make the production process more effective. Some of the most important inventions of the 19th century include electricity, the internal combustion engine, ironclad ships, rifles, and the telephone. Major technological advances, especially in textiles, made the process so much cheaper and easier. Which then brought a steep decline in prices because labor was now so much cheaper. This phenomenon happened in other industries as well just the difference just wasn’t as pronounced as with industries such as