Since the beginning of mankind, the human brain has proven to be the most complex and essential organ that we possess. Over decades, centuries, and millenniums; the biology of the human brain has changed and adapted in order to keep up with the ever improving and growing complexity of technology. Technology provides information at the ease and speed of a click and as a response we developed the need for the same speed of reaction and comprehension in our brains. Today, more than ever, we have a bigger need to achieve the highest efficiency in the shortest amount of time, to multi-task between activities and different technology, as well as a complete new means of communication that was unimaginable 100 years ago. Technology has affected biology immensely. Although it has negatively affected the value of relationships and communications, it positively enhanced new brain patterns that defied our previous limitation. …show more content…
After further review, both ADD and ADHD found in diagnostics can now be a personality characteristic. This is culturally inputted into our brains due to the constant need of improvement, and demands society to increase the amount of exertion in the work place. This inquiry is introduced because of the advances in technology, which forced people to multitask information they receive from all directions on different devices. Advertising is no longer than 30 seconds nowadays, this gives us a good idea of how major cooperation’s have accessed and done studies to make sure that we can at least get the minimum amount of major information which will still make sales and introduce their new ideas and products. Overall, Restak, author of “Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era,” believes that the attention span of the average adult is extremely exaggerated in today’s workplace and everyday