Teen Advisors Essay

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“To empower and equip students to impact their peers through positive peer pressure” stated Teen Advisors, an organization trying to better society (Teen Advisors). Teen Advisors was put together to unite teens to work together to make an impact on people. The founder, DeeDee Stephens, found that teens can have a huge impact on one another. Teenagers can easily influence one another to perform the same actions. Teen Advisors developed a group that would represent a positive influence on people, encouraging kids not to condone drugs or sex. Positivity is the main praised value in the organization, and this group carries out many ways for teenagers to perform these principles to make an influential shift on others behaviors. As mentioned previously, …show more content…

This organization teaches teenagers skills that they can apply throughout their whole life. Some of their principles include, “influencing each other to avoid drugs & alcohol… to save sex for marriage… to reach out to other students with their friendship… to prioritize their character and integrity over their image” (Teen Advisors). Teenagers are expected to be loyal and follow these principles and try to pressure others into making good choices. One of the main ways that Teen Advisors spreads the word about being a positive influence is through classroom sessions. A group of teenagers will get together and prepare a speech that will encourage saying no to negative offerings made by peers. In these sessions, they discuss why drugs are bad, how to make friends with good people, how to say no to negative peer pressure, etc. The vision of Teen Advisors started in 1987, ever since DeeDee Stephen wanted to put a stop to giving in to negative influences. This organization has goals to make peace with not only children, but with the parents knowing that their kid is making good choices. Teen Advisors want to help others around the country to help each individual live a better and positive