Teen Activist Research Paper

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Have you ever wanted to change the world? Teen activists are a good example to look at. A teen activist is someone who wants to change the world in a positive way because they are trying to fix problems they have experienced themselves. They are hard-working, never give up, and they are inspiring in their community. Teen activists are a huge part of our future, changing things positively one step at a time. When being a teen activist, experience plays a key role. One good example to look at is Marley Dias, a girl wanting to further populate her school's library with books that have black children as a main character. Experience played a key role in accomplishing her goal because she couldn’t find enough books with black kids as main characters. Another good example to look at is Malala Yousefzai. She is a girl who was fighting for children ( specifically girls ) to be schooled. Experience played a key role for her because she wasn’t schooled herself because she …show more content…

Malala is a very good example of this because she was shot in the head and hospitalized for 18 months. But when she recovered she kept doing what she did best, fight for kids to be schooled. Another good example of someone who fought and never gave up is Kelvin Doe. He is such a good example because he didn’t have many materials to make a battery, but he never complain that his job was too hard and gave up, he kept going to provide his family with power. The last good example that shows being a teen activist takes hard work and never giving up is Marley Dias. She is a good example because with a goal of finding 1,000 books having black kids as main characters, and so little of those books to look for, she never gave up so she and others could be treated equally. From the examples given, I think it is easy to see that one key thing to being a teen activist is having an attitude of hard work and never giving