Essay On Yuji Ichioka, Harriet Tubman, And Ruby Bridges

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In every activist there is an action—what they do, a purpose—why did they do it, a personality—their beliefs, emotions, inspiration, and a cause—what did they do the action for. Some people think that by doing something big, they can get to become an activist in a snap. That is not necessarily the case with Yuji Ichioka, Harriet Tubman, and Ruby Bridges. These activists started small and little by little, their actions were recognized. Yuji Ichioka, Harriet Tubman, and Ruby Bridges all started with small steps, which resulted in huge leaps that changed people's lives, and helped to create a more equal America. One activist that started small was Yuji Ichioka. He believed that it was not right for people to be called “oriental” (a rude thing to call Asian people), so he made up a respectful and peaceful term for multicultural Asians. He created the term “Asian American”, which lead to the words “Japanese American”, “Chinese American”, etc. In addition, he marched with Martin Luther King Jr., but before all …show more content…

Harriet Tubman’s occupation was being a Civil War Nurse, Suffragist, Civil Rights activist, and the Underground Railroad leader. It was said that she never left anyone behind. Harriet’s parents became slaves, when they were shipped to the U.S. to sell. Later, they had When Harriet was younger, her owner threw a metal boulder to hit another slave- but it hit her instead ( She suffered from dizziness, confusion, and knockouts. As she grew up, her owner died so his wife sold her and her family. She didn’t get to stay with her family. She realized (as she grew up) she didn’t want others to have the horrible experience that she did, so she helped conduct the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad wasn’t known by many people other than Harriet, her followers, and the slaves she helped free. She will always be remembered by everyone she helped free, and her great