Teenage Issues In Tim Burton's Film Edward Scissor

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Teenage issues played a major role in Tim Burton’s film, Edward Scissorhands. As many teenagers go through the hardships of being a teenage, the film showed an understanding to teenagers going through difficult situation such as peer pressure, bulling and fitting in. The life lessons present by Burton helps the audience to relate and feel empathy for Edward. Film Techniques such as colouring, characterizing and costuming were used to exaggerate the idea of Edward being different, this is to create a feeling of understanding for Edward. Burton explores the extent to which teenagers are willing to sacrifice their morals to fit into society. Some examples of peer pressure and wanting to fit in, from the film is when Edward Breaks into the house even though he knows it is wrong and (its Jims house). He also cuts peoples’ hair because they praise him for it, he gets paid in acceptance, food etc. The audience feels helpless and sympathetic to Edward because they know that by doing something immoral he is likely to be caught. Burton has shown a character who is different from everybody else. The audience wants him to fit in and yet he is being used by the people of Anytown. The viewer would not want to be treated this way and they feel empathy for Edward. …show more content…

This is shown in many diverse and creative ways. Examples of the bulling is ‘When Jim was teasing Kim when Edward was talking about a love interest on the talk show. He was also misunderstood by many when he saved Kevin by a drunk driver and accidently scratches him multiply times. Burton tried and succeed in positions the audience to connect to the bulling by feeling the pain. With many diverse characters, he had succeeded into capture the minds of the audience to believing the character had the right to believe, the character was wrong or right. This allows the audience to feel