Tell-Tale Heart Insane

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The narrator of the Tell-Tale Heart is viewed as many things: clever, mad, cruel, but is he sane or insane? The psyche of this killer is a mystery to many, with many debates as to if he is not guilty by way of insanity, responsible for his crimes, just a small bit delirious, or absolutely raving insane. He admitted to killing an old man, and denies madness at every whim. “…but why will you say I am mad?, then, am I mad?...” (Poe 189) says the Author, saying he is sane with nothing but a few quirks and “hearing acute”. Delving into his mind should find the answer to these many questions and arguments. Clearly, the narrator has auditory hallucinations and paranoia. He believes the police are attempting to “make a mockery of [his] horror”