Temperament And Attachment Style Analysis

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Temperament and Attachment Style

You could ask almost anyone in my family and they would say I was an easy baby. You could also ask my dad what kind of baby I was, he would say i was difficult and cried all the time. My parents were lucky enough to have a child that didn’t cause total hell, but some parents are not so lucky and produce children that push them to their limits. Early childhood experiences have a tendency to shape a person and have knock on effects later in life, behavior such as temperament and attachment styles can be carried on from infancy to the adult life. Piaget’s belief that your early childhood essentially shapes you has a lot of validity to it but does not always apply when temperament is concerned.

As a baby I was completely easy as I would expect from any infant. I would say that throughout my early childhood with certain subjects I teetered in between an easy baby and slow to warm up. …show more content…

From being a newborn baby to around two I didn’t really enjoy being by myself and made it clear to all I was upset about being alone. Once I developed my language skills and was able to articulate my needs I became a much happier baby overall, although I wasn’t what you would call unhappy in the first place. Fast forward to the young adult crises where I am now, not a lot has changed. A good chunk of my temperament is thanks to the japanese culture my father was raised in and passed on to me, I don’t tend to make my negative feelings obvious but am adamant about sharing positive