Temple University Scholarship Analysis

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After speaking with Rachel Gionta it seemed right to show that I have more to offer Temple University than just the criteria that I meet, and ask for a reconsideration for a university scholarship. Not only do I meet the criteria with my cumulative GPA of 4.1107, SAT Critical Reading and Math score of 1210, and my ACT composite score of 26, but the involvement inside of my school is the defining aspect that can separate me from the other peers who only meet the criteria shown in their scores. Temple seems like the only university I can truly identify with. Its urban persona mixed with multiple opportunities to better myself through clubs and volunteer work is perfect for my outgoing and generous personality.

Although I cannot picture myself at any other college, I have learned to prioritize my life in regards to my …show more content…

I have learned that financial stability must come first to be ultimately successful. I cannot put myself into a situation that will hold me back after four or more years at Temple University. I have learned about the struggle for financial stability since I was young. My family has been paying medical bills for years as a result of my father 's bout with cancer, which in return has put a hardship on my outlook for success. After filling out FAFSA I have found my financial situation to be just short of ideal, and shown through my years of hard work and dedication to education I believe that I am qualified for the university scholarship.

As a student eager to become a Temple Owl the wide variety of classes and activities would not just keep me busy outside of school, but further enhance my college experience overall. I am a student eager to study computer science, a field that connects to my interests in gaining a broader understanding of computer concepts and software. The wide options in careers including software developers are ideal for me due to the courses ' abilities to mold