Tesla Super Truck Essay

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Tesla’s All Electric Semi-Trucks From the recent decades, cars have been the major “Get Around”. Driving to work or going on vacation. They can be used for transportation or towing or hauling. The Semi trucks have been the major vehicles for transporting pretty much anything. They do tend to be a hassle and some older trucks tend to let out very toxic exhaust. Electric cars have been very useful for traveling around, without the exhaust, but a new vehicle is being introduced. Tesla, a company that works mostly on electric cars and Solar Panels. On November 16, 2017 they showed the prototype to the public. Yet it still needed improvements, like how much the battery lasted. "One of those impressive aspects is the ‘Megacharger’ technology, which …show more content…

The best part, it doesn’t come with an engine, so it can go from 0-60 in just five seconds. Its going to be very tricky for any use of this truck, after all its run by batteries. It is not run by just a standard AA battery, they are run by big Lithium- Ion Batteries which are rechargeable. According to the numbers provided by Popular Mechanics, the batteries in the Semi can last up to 500 miles with one charge. One downfall is that there will only be one charging station, back at the docking bay. Diesel trucks are responsible for “7 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and guzzle 17 million barrels of oil per day, with demand growing by 1.9 percent per year” (International Energy Agency and Vox). Due to that 7%, that is causing global warming and other disasters. Trucks are not the only ones that create gases. So do power factories, and other cars. That’s is the New Tesla Semi truck. Many people recommend having an electric truck. The way it doesn’t make a noise, and the way it doesn’t let out exhaust. Electric cars are popular, I’m sure the new age of semi-trucks will come to life. Works