Who Killed The Electric Car (EV)

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The invention of the electric car was a monumental time in American history. In the year 1996, electric cars roamed the street of California. Although they were first invented in the year 1832, these new types of cars did not become practical until around 1880. The EVs that were let loose on the roads across the country encountered many obstacles which made it difficult for many potential buyers to purchase the cars. Along with the car companies that obtained the electric vehicles, the government also encountered several problematic situations with the EVs.
The documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car” expresses the “life” of the electric car and how it was taken away. General Motors created an EV1 and released the cars on the roads of California. Across the course of the film, they express how specific organizations “killed” the EV1s. The electric vehicle had high expectations of saving the world from issues that gasoline cars constantly exposed to the environment such as smog.
In November of 2003, General Motors began collecting the entire population of EV1s that roamed the road, which was approximately one-thousand electric vehicles. General Motors ordered that all EV1 must be taken off the roads and crushed. The remaining vehicles that were …show more content…

They need to show the world how gasoline cars have negatively impacted our world. They need popularize the need and usage of vehicles that are electric. Society needs to be shown that a world with electric vehicles is the better option in order to obtain a longer life for Earth. Another option to raise the number of electric vehicle buyers would be to raise the price of gasoline and gasoline-run cars. People will almost always go with the more affordable option if that happens to be electric vehicles the world will begin to hit a turning point. The government needs to be more involved with this process in order to save the