
Why Jeff Cobb's Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Buy An Electric Car Now?

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Over the past decade or so, environmentalists and car manufacturers have been pushing towards the development of electric cars. As electric cars rise in prominence on the roads, people are beginning to wonder if they are in fact a legitimate alternative to fossil fuel powered vehicles. Author Jeff Cobb seeks to definitively answer this question in his article titled, “Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Buy An Electric Car Now”. Cobb strives to convince readers to purchase electric cars, he does so by using statistics, visual imagery, and multiple examples that appeal to the reader's sense of reason and logic. With the use of these rhetorical strategies Cobb is able to create an incredibly persuasive multimodal text that supports his opinion that people stand to benefit a great deal from buying electric cars. Throughout the text, Cobb inserts facts and key statistics that support the concept that people will benefit from purchasing electric cars. This serves to …show more content…

Within the text, Cobb includes eleven different pictures, most of which depict the variety of electric cars that are currently Available on the market. For pictures that aren’t as obvious, Cobb included captions to explain their meaning. Cobb uses a picture of a man by the name of Steve Marsh to enhance his argument. Steve Marsh has driven over 100,000 miles in his Nissan Leaf, which he bought in large part to save money. By including this image Cobb is able to help the audience foster identification with the text. This is important because people are far easier to persuade when they are able to relate to a text on a personal level. The pictures also serve the added purpose of breaking up the text and keeping the reader engaged. Due to the fact that the article relies heavily on statistics, it can be quite dense at times; however, the use of relevant pictures helps to keep the piece interesting and

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