Texas Air Attack Case Study

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At zero seven-hundred radio reports started to flood into NASNI addressed to Admiral Meyer. The same reports were being sent to Camp Parks, Fort Irwin, Huachuca, Lewis, Sill, and other Army Posts. They were also being sent to Camp Lejeune and Pendleton, as well as the Air Forces bases of Travis, March, Davis-Monthon and more. The message read that Texas Aircraft had carried out an air attack against the 82nd Airborne causing hundreds of casualties. Fortunately, US Air Force aircraft were in the area and were able to successfully take down half of the Texas bombers. The message went on to say that Texas military units had crossed over the Texas border and were heading east to engage the United States forces currently in Georgia. It was believed they were heading for Fort Benning with the mission of overrunning the post and capturing it and its equipment. General Watkins, now the Senior US Army Commander on the West Coast was livid at the news. General Watkins sent out a message asking for a meeting, by radio, of all Senior Commanders in the West at fifteen hundred today to discuss Texas and a proper response. There was no hesitation in responses. …show more content…

That rules of engagement no longer applied to Texans. He also warned that Texas had Armor and Artillery units that used to be part of Fort Hood, Bliss and Sam Houston, they did have air assets from the Air Forces bases within Texas and have already used them against United States forces. There were some Naval forces in Texas too, and they were prepared to go to war. However, they didn’t really know the Naval might of the United States. He advised all US forces, especially Fort Benning to take extra precautions and prepare for a Texas onslaught. He also stated that it was their belief that Texan forces were heading to Fort