
Texas Gun Law Essay

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Today I’m here to tell you about our Gun Law in the State of Texas. Not only will I give you facts about the gun law in Texas I will persuade you also. I think that the gun law is good law but also a dangerous law, because people can take it for granted and also take advantage of it. There can be some Psycho or crazy people out there that will think by them having a license to have a concealed gun or be armed they will be able to kill anyone and anybody. You have a gun license in the state of Texas you should be able to keep it armed as long as you keep it covered up or were it can be really seen, basically you can’t walk around with it in your hand. The ability to carry a gun should be for the purposes of hunting and keeping one safe. If you …show more content…

It will be a lot more danger and problems caused in the neighborhood. You have to think about the little kids that might be in danger with the guns. The state law says make sure that your gun is far away from any children and put up safely. When kids are being bullied that gives them an advantage to bring a hand gun to school and shoot that person or kids who also like to follow their friends and can also lead to dangerous things as far as their friends getting killed or shot. The state of Texas also passed a law where they allowed teachers to carry a hand gun in the schools. My opinion about that is I think that is not safe at all. What if a teacher and a student have an argument and the teacher just snaps, pulls out the gun and shoot the student. I don’t think that’s fair at …show more content…

True enough the gun law still has its ups and downs. As a society we sometimes fail to realize the bad in what some people think is good. Now let’s be honest could you honestly feel safe walking into a grocery store seeing someone with a concealed hand gun even though they passed the law, how would that make you feel? Knowing that you can’t shop in peace without seeing someone with a concealed

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