Texas Illegal Immigration Essay

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The Population in Texas is increasing at a very fast Pace. Hispanics are Part of the reason why the state of Texas is growing so fast.” In July 2016 the population in Texas was at 27.9 Million people, Back in 2010 it was 25.1 Million people. More that 1.4 out of the 2.7 was due to Hispanics”. Ura, A. (2017, June 22). Texas Hispanics behind half of state's growth since 2010. Retrieved February 24, 2018, from https://www.texastribune.org/2017/06/22/texas-hispanics-behind-half-states-growth-2010/. If Texas keeps growing at this rate then it will soon become over populated. Another reason behind the growth of Texas that it’s close to Mexico and because of our really bad border control it’s making it easier for Illegal Immigrants to come to the state of Texas. …show more content…

Texas is not a very Expensive place to live some when illegal immigrant come over it’s the will have financial stability. It would be easier for them to obtain a job because employers can pay them below minimum wage to work, They are also very hard working people so that’s another reason for them to get a job because the employer will know that they are reliable. I think that that undocumented Immigrates should be sent back to Their Country of origin. The Reason behind that is because if we keep letting people come to the United States illegally and stay then we would see an even more attempts for people trying to cross the border. It also will call for an overpopulation for the state of Texas if we keep every single undocumented Immigrant. But if a child was born here illegally and was raised in the United States I think that they should be able to stay because they do not know anything else but the United States. If we send them back to the country that their parents are from they do not know anything about that